Wednesday 24 August 2016

With Cincinnati Bengals, Former Wisconsin WR Alex Erickson Making Big Impact

Alex-spouse Erickson is accustomed to working his means up as well as proving himself. After a prep job where he accounted for 94 touchdowns as a quarterback and was called the Wisconsin State Journal's small institution gamer of the year, the Darlington, Wis., native strolled on to Wisconsin and transitioned to wide receiver.

Wisconsin WR Alex Erickson

Erickson took place to catch 141 passes, sixth-most in UW record, on his manner in which to being named a first-team All-Big Ten choice by the media in 2015. His 1,877 backyards rate him 10th all-time at Wisconsin, and also he was one function except linking Jared Abbrederis-- one more previous walk-on wide receiver-- for the single-season mark.

In spite of his distinctions, Erickson had not been welcomed to the NFL Scouting Integrate. Rather, he was delegated showcase his speed as well as dexterity at UW's pro day with 40-yard dashboard times in between 4.44 as well as 4.54 seconds, as well as a spectacular pro-agility time of 3.88 seconds.

Still, he went undrafted in the late-April NFL draft. As a free agent, Erickson authorized with the Cincinnati Bengals, and currently, similar to 4 years earlier, he has to gain his red stripes.

" It's kind of the same mentality as you go as a walk-on," Erickson said when asked about the resemblances in between his beginnings in Madison and now Cincinnati. "You're not the most highly-touted person, so you're visiting have make every little thing you obtain. Simply involving function each and every day, taking the coaching, and also simply being coachable as well as striving are the greatest things.

" Clearly the skill set of it, making plays and all of that, you need to do that, too-- but if you're striving, taking the coaching, you're going to be entering the best direction. That's just what [the trainers] intend to see. They wish to see constant improvement, they want to see a man that's consistent. If you do that, you're going to offer on your own a chance."

2 games right into the 2016 NFL preseason, Erickson has done simply that. He's captured 3 passes until now, including among the two Bengals' touchdown functions versus the Minnesota Vikings and also his former quarterback, Joel Stave, on Aug. 12.
For Erickson, that last stage of the video game is where he's radiated brightly early on. He came to the Bengals after returning 24 punts at Wisconsin, balancing 7.3 yards each effort.

Against the Vikings as well as the Detroit Lions, he balanced 55 backyards each return. Last week, he revived a punting 30 lawns to set up a touchdown that gave the Bengals a 30-6 lead against the Lions in the fourth quarter.

It was his fourth-quarter return against the Vikings, however, that absolutely showed his elusiveness and ability to make a play when required. Fielding the round at his very own 20-yard line after a growing Jeff Locke punt, Erickson took the punt and also proceeded to work as a human pinball, bouncing off hits and also tried tackles.

Transforming upfield, he cut inside on a poor angle by Locke and also sped up past a couple of protectors right into the end zone for an 80-yard goal.
" The punter really drove it well, so I recognized I was going to return it so he kicked it really much. I was running in reverse to capture it, captured it, as well as I had tons of space," Erickson said, explaining the beginning of his return. "Our guys had right enough runs as well as had it blocked up, so I kind of ran up in the heap a little bit.

" I was able to sneak out of there. Some individuals made some terrific blocks downfield, and also I had the ability to elude the punter there and get in completion zone."

Party followed on the Cincinnati sideline. Running back Jeremy Hill raised Erickson off of the ground, with colleagues bordering and also congratulating him.

The reputable praise seen on the highlight reel was a telling indicator, as well as his former train at Wisconsin took notification

" I had a possibility-- a number of people drew it up-- and saw Alex's punt return," Wisconsin head train Paul Chryst stated on Aug. 15 when asked about Erickson and also Tanner McEvoy's big NFL debuts. "To me, I saw the reactions from the sidelines when he's coming off. Individuals typically aren't going to react like that if he hasn't already been doing something, as well as I do not know? I have not spoken with Alex. I have not existed, but if men are really delighted for someone else, my assumption is he's doing points [well] daily.

" So frequently, what you see in technique, what you carry out in practice, isn't really noticed by those in the video game since they do not constantly come up," continued Chryst, who was formerly an assistant instructor with the San Diego Chargers. "My guess from seeing that is he's having an excellent camp."

" So commonly, exactly what you see in practice, just what you do in method, isn't really seen by those in the video game"
The cozy function from his present Bengals colleagues, Erickson likewise heard from McEvoy after the breakout efficiency. McEvoy, who recently moved to infraction from safety and security, captured a 37-yard touchdown pass at the end of regulation in his initial preseason game for the Seattle Seahawks in a 17-16 win.

" It was funny because he texted me after my game [and] telling me I have to work on my touchdown celebration," Erickson claimed. "I saw him catch a goal, as well as he didn't have much of a celebration either, so I had to message him and let him learn about that."

Erickson is participated Cincinnati by a former Wisconsin colleague, cornerback Darius Hillary, as undrafted freelances attempting to make the Bengals roster that additionally flaunts former standout Wisconsin guard Kevin Zeitler. They are to name a few Badgers from the 2015 squad aiming to earn areas on an NFL lineup after not being prepared, including Stave (Minnesota), McEvoy (Seattle), safety Michael Caputo (L.a Rams), limited end Austin Traylor (Dallas Cowboys) and offending lineman Tyler Marz (Tennessee Titans).

Numerous thought prior to training camp that Erickson was a long shot for the Bengals' energetic roster, however he seems presently secured a limited battle for what might be the last wide receiver spot. Via training school as well as the very first 2 preseason video games, he's had the ability to blink and succeed in front of the mentoring personnel when called upon.

The commitment to his craft, which additional, underestimated drive seen by previous walk-ons like Jim Leonhard, Chris Maragos as well as Luke Swan prior to him appear. Erickson is close to a dream numerous imagine as youngsters playing in their yards, yet with it all, he's enjoying the process.

" I'm trying to find out as high as I could here each day," Erickson said. "There's certainly a lot more to learn, yet it's been fun, as well as [I'm] simply appreciating it everyday as much as I can."

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